Poster Mini Talks II
- Wasi Faruqi (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology)
Pavel Soukup
(IEAP CTU in Prague)
7/4/11, 4:00 PM
Imaging theory
Poster presentation
The X-ray imaging is today widely used in broad area of applications. One of the X-ray imaging limitations is in distinguishing between thick layer of low Z and thin layer of the high Z material. The background effect is called Beam hardening. It is the effect where the incident X-ray spectrum is modified by the object itself according to its material composition and thickness. This causes...
Characterisation and image correction of Hamamatsu C9730DK-10 flat panel X-ray imaging detector
Josef Uher
7/4/11, 4:01 PM
Imaging theory
Poster presentation
CMOS flat panels are becoming standard equipment of X-ray micro-imaging laboratories. It is a mature technology that provides very good spatial resolution, dynamic range and large sensitive area.
An example of such detector is the Hamamatsu C9730DK-10 flat panel. It comprises of a CsI:Tl scintillator directly deposited on the two-dimensional photodiode array (pixel size of 50 x 50 µm, total...
Rahul Arora
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
7/4/11, 4:02 PM
High Energy Physics & Astronomy
Poster presentation
High-precision spectroscopy of hadrons in the strange and charm sector, as envisaged in the PANDA experiment requires an excellent charged particle tracking system with multiple track identification (up to 4000 tracks superimposed inside the TPC all the time), high spatial resolution (σrϕ~150 μm,σz~1mm),high momentum resolution
(~1%),minimal material budget (~1% of radiation length),high rate...
Khaled Bekhouche
(LMSM laboratory, Biskra University, Algeria)
7/4/11, 4:03 PM
High Energy Physics & Astronomy
Poster presentation
Radiations have effect on charge-coupled devices used as particle detectors. Many electrical characteristics in these devices are affected such as dark current and charge transfer inefficiency (CTI). In this work we will study the effect of traps, created after irradiating CCD, on the CTI. In previous works [1-2], we have used simple analytic models by including some timing parameters. To add...
Ivan Jandejsek
(Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague)
7/4/11, 4:04 PM
Imaging theory
Poster presentation
The first prototype of a 3D voxel detector was recently developed as a layered stack of several Timepix pixel detectors. The single Timepix device (256 x 256 pixels with pitch of 55 µm) consists of a sensor chip (typically silicon 300 µm thick) bump bonded to a pixelated readout chip. The readout chip is thinned down to 120 µm to reduce the amount of insensitive material in the stack. The...
Marcel Zeller
(LHEP University of Bern)
7/4/11, 4:05 PM
High Energy Physics & Astronomy
Poster presentation
The liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (TPC) technique is a promising technology for future large-size neutrino detectors. At LHEP of the University of Bern (Switzerland) R&D projects towards large detectors are going on. The main goal is to prove the feasibility of very large detectors (>50kt) with long drift path, more than 10 meters. Therefore we build a liquid Argon TPC with 5 m drift...
Georg Auzinger
7/4/11, 4:06 PM
High Energy Physics & Astronomy
Poster presentation
CMS started a campaign to identify the future silicon sensor technology baseline for a new Tracker for the high-luminosity phase of LHC. We ordered a large variety of 6” wafers in different thicknesses and technologies at HPK. Thicknesses ranging from 50µm to 300µm are explored on floatzone, magnetic Czochralski and epitaxial material both in n-in-p and p-in-n versions. P-stop and p-spray are...
(Nuclear Research Centre of Birine, Algeria)
7/4/11, 4:07 PM
Imaging theory
Poster presentation
An ideal neutron radiograph used for quantification and 3D image tomography reconstruction should be a transmission image, which exactly obeys the exponential law of attenuation with a monochromatic neutron beam. There are many reasons, why this assumption does not hold for high neutron absorbing materials. The main deviations from the ideal are due essentially to neutron beam hardening...
(Nuclear Research Centre of Birine, Algeria)
7/4/11, 4:08 PM
Imaging theory
Poster presentation
Neutron imaging is a powerful method for non-destructive investigations where high penetration through metals and in particular high contrast for hydrogenous materials maybe exploited. Due to the complexity of digital neutron static or video image formation, image capture conditions and parameters must be accurately selected. In this work, experimental acquisition conditions in terms of...
Ho Kyung Kim
(Pusan National University)
7/4/11, 4:09 PM
Imaging theory
Poster presentation
Due to the health risks associated with exposure to radiation, technical excellence in medical imaging is critical to high-quality medical care. In radiology, image quality excellence is a balance between system performance and patient radiation dose, hence x-ray systems must be designed to ensure the maximum image quality is obtained for the lowest consistent dose. The concept of detective...