Detector Systems I: 4 contributions
- Valeria Rosso (Physics Department and INFN, Pisa, Italy)
Jan Jakubek
(IEAP, CTU in Prague)
7/5/11, 10:50 AM
Detector Systems
Oral presentation
Recent advances in semiconductor technology allow constructing highly efficient and low noise pixel detectors of ionizing radiation. Steadily improving performance of front end electronics enables fast digital signal processing in each pixel which enables to register more complete information about each detected quantum (energy, time, number of particles). All these features improve and extend...
David Pennicard
7/5/11, 11:25 AM
Detector Systems
Oral presentation
The Medipix3 photon counting readout chip has a range of features – small pixel size, high readout rate and inter-pixel communication – which make it attractive for X-ray scattering and imaging at synchrotrons. DESY have produced a prototype large-area detector module that can carry a 6 by 2 array of Medipix3 chips (1536 by 512 pixels), which can be used with a single large silicon sensor...
Stephanie Hustache
(Synchrotron SOLEIL)
7/5/11, 11:45 AM
Detector Systems
Oral presentation
Short (ps) or ultra-short (fs) synchrotron X-ray pulses enable to probe the dynamics of photo-induced molecular states, collective movements in solids, or the course of chemical reactions. In so-called ‘pump-probe’ experiments, the system being studied is excited by a fs or ps laser pulse and probed after a certain delay by a pulse of synchrotron X-rays. This procedure must be repeated many...
Valeria Radicci
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
7/5/11, 12:05 PM
Detector Systems
Oral presentation
EIGER is the next generation of single photon counting detector for synchrotron radiation designed by the PSI-SLS detector group. It features a pixel size of 75x75 μm2 and frame rates up to 22kHz. An array of 256x256 pixels fits on a 2cm x 2cm chip. The chip provides 4, 8 and 12 bit counting modes and practically an infinite dynamic range (32 bits) due to the continuous read/write and the...
Aldo Mozzanica
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
7/5/11, 12:25 PM
Detector Systems
Oral presentation
A charge integrating readout ASIC for silicon strip sensors has been developed at PSI in collaboration with DESY. The goal of the project is to provide a charge integrating readout system able to cope with the pulsed beam of XFEL machines and at the same time to retain the high dynamic range and single photon resolution performances typical of photon counting systems. The ASIC, designed in IBM...