Front-end Electronics and Readout I: 3 contributions
- Jan Lammert Visschers (Nikhef Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Matthew Fishburn
(Delft University of Technology)
7/5/11, 8:30 AM
Front-end Electronics and Readout
Oral presentation
Thanks to recent advances in the field of solid-state photon counters and single-photon imagers,
there has been an increasing interest in studying the effects of long- and short-term radiation onto these detectors.
In this talk we describe CMOS image sensors capable of detecting single-photon radiation at visible, ultraviolet,
and near infrared wavelengths in hostile environments, such as...
James Milnes
(Photek Ltd)
7/5/11, 9:05 AM
Front-end Electronics and Readout
Oral presentation
Photek, in collaboration with the University of Leicester space research centre, are pursuing a number of R&D projects aimed at developing systems for detection of single photon events with time resolution of the order of 10 ps. This involves the development of new detectors and accompanying electronics, utilising the HPTDC and NINO chips developed at CERN. An overview of R&D efforts will be...
Winnie Wong
7/5/11, 9:25 AM
Front-end Electronics and Readout
Oral presentation
Present-day dosimeters based on single diode implementations typically require strict presumptions regarding the radiation type and energy, have limited dynamic range, and tend to provide non-linear responses to energies within the ranges typical to occupational radiation environments. Moreover, the ability of the detector to resolve low energy photons is limited by the noise of the...
Andy Clark
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
7/5/11, 9:45 AM
Front-end Electronics and Readout
Oral presentation
The PImMS Sensor is an event triggered time-stamp storing CMOS image sensor for Time Of Flight (TOF) Mass Spectrometry. The device features a 72 by 72 pixel array with better than 50 ns timing resolution and 4 registers per pixel for 12-bit time-stamp storage. The multiple registers and high temporal resolution allow the detection of all incident mass peaks within each measurement period...