2–6 Nov 2014
Congressi Stefano Franscini
Europe/Zurich timezone

Analysis of the FID signal of the Hg comagnetometer of nEDM experiment at PSI

4 Nov 2014, 17:44
Congressi Stefano Franscini

Congressi Stefano Franscini

Monte Verità CH-6612 Ascona Switzerland
Poster Poster


Mr Michał Rawlik (ETH Zürich)


The nEDM experiment, carried out in the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, Switzerland, measures the electric dipole moment of the neutron. An important part of the set-up is an 199-Hg cohabiting magnetometer. A thorough research on the magnetometer's FID signal analysis was main topic of the author's master thesis. The poster will present main conclusions arising from the research. A method to effectively compare different approaches to the analysis is put forward and used to evaluate performance of a new approach proposed by the author. The evaluation includes discussion of systematic uncertainties due to magnetic field drifts. Also, a scheme for data analysis with the new approach is presented.

Primary author

Mr Michał Rawlik (ETH Zürich)


. nEDM collaboration at PSI (PSI) Dr Jacek Zejma (JUC)

Presentation materials