2–6 Nov 2014
Congressi Stefano Franscini
Europe/Zurich timezone

Magnetometry Overview for the PSI nEDM Experiment

5 Nov 2014, 14:30
Congressi Stefano Franscini

Congressi Stefano Franscini

Monte Verità CH-6612 Ascona Switzerland


Dr Georg Bison (PSI)


One of the most important design criteria for an improved nEDM experiment is the realization of a stable and homogeneous main magnetic field B0. The level at which B0 can be controlled or measured is directly linked to the achievable nEDM sensitivity since uncompensated B0 fluctuations add noise to the extracted nEDM value and field inhomogeneities give rise to several systematic effects. Neutron EDM experiment uses a wide range of techniques to meet the demands on B0 control. These include a spectrum of different specialized magnetometers based on 199Hg 3He, and Cs atoms. We present an overview over currently used techniques, devices under development and approaches for future improvements.

Primary author

Dr Georg Bison (PSI)


on behalf of the nEDM collaboration (PSI) -

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