2–6 Nov 2014
Congressi Stefano Franscini
Europe/Zurich timezone

Сrystal diffraction nEDM experiment. Present status and future progress.

4 Nov 2014, 09:40
Congressi Stefano Franscini

Congressi Stefano Franscini

Monte Verità CH-6612 Ascona Switzerland
Oral Overview


Dr Vladimir Voronin (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)


The proposed method to search for the neutron EDM is based on using a large crystal electric field affected the neutron in a crystal without center of symmetry during all the time of neutron stay in crystal. Value of the field can reach about $10^9$V/cm and experimentally measured value for quartz crystal is $\sim 10^8$ V/cm. The first variant of the experimental setup based on using a quartz crystal is now under construction. The accuracy of this setup is expected on a level $\sim 2 10^{-26}$ e cm. The modern status of this project and possibility to improve the accuracy for different crystal without center of symmetry will be discussed. The "storage" variant of the setup will be considered. This variant allows essentially increase the time of neutron stay in crystal and therefore the method sensitivity can reach about $2 10^{-27}$ e cm for the BSO crystal.

Primary author

Dr Vladimir Voronin (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)


Prof. Valery Fedorov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute) Ms Yulia Braginetz (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)

Presentation materials