Yoann Kermaïdic
(Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie)
04/11/2014, 17:30
The nEDM experiment benefits from two atomic magnetometers to characterize the magnetic field environment.
The 199Hg co-magnetometer allows to correct the neutron frequency for magnetic field drift at the sub-ppm level but does not provide any magnetic field homogeneity informations.
Consequently, a dedicated array of 16 Cesium magnetometers (CsM) has been built in the last 3 years allowing...
Hans-Christian Koch
(University of Mainz / University of Fribourg)
04/11/2014, 17:31
The experimental search for a neutron electric dipole moment
(nEDM) at PSI (Switzerland) calls for the precise measurement and control
of the applied magnetic field.
Here, we report on a combined 3He-Cs magnetometer for the absolute measurement of a uT magnetic field.
The measurement principle relies on detecting the free precession frequency of polarized 3He nuclei by a set of 8 optically...
Elise Wursten
(KU Leuven)
04/11/2014, 17:33
The nEDM experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institut uses ultra-cold neutrons (UCNs) to search for a neutron electric dipole moment using Ramsey’s method of separated oscillatory fields.
In order to correct for drifts of the magnetic field, a mercury magnetometer (HgM) is present in the precession volume of the neutrons, which measures the average field. However, due to inhomogeneities in the...
Samer Afach
(ETH Zürich)
04/11/2014, 17:35
We have developed a vector magnetometer based on optical pumping of cesium atoms to assess the magnetic field distribution in the neutron Electric Dipole Moment (nEDM) experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute. The system measures deviations from homogeneous magnetic field conditions, which are an important source of systematic errors in nEDM. We will report on progress with a new magnetometer...
Alexey Fomin
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
04/11/2014, 17:37
Model of PNPI double chamber nEDM spectrometer has been made for simulation by Monte Carlo method. In the model the trajectory of every neutron is simulated with taking into account gravity. The calculation has modeled the whole experimental process and performed data processing in the way it is done in the experiment. Simulation of various systematic effects has been carried out.
Prashanth Pataguppi
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
04/11/2014, 17:39
An improved experimental search for a neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) is currently taking data at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland using ultra-cold neutrons (UCN).
The experiment requires the holding field ($\mathbf{B}_{\text{0}}$) to be homogeneous over the UCN precession volume to maintain the polarization of the stored UCN and to suppress some of the systematic effects.
Sybille Komposch
04/11/2014, 17:43
The nEDM experiment requires very sensitive magnetometers to correct for systematic errors related to magnetic field fluctuations. We present progress on a laser based co-magnetometer which detects the spin precession frequency of 199-Hg atoms in the same volume as the neutrons. With the new laser system, we showed in a proof of principle measurement that we can achieve a fivefold increase of...
Michał Rawlik
(ETH Zürich)
04/11/2014, 17:44
The nEDM experiment, carried out in the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, Switzerland, measures the electric dipole moment of the neutron. An important part of the set-up is an 199-Hg cohabiting magnetometer. A thorough research on the magnetometer's FID signal analysis was main topic of the author's master thesis. The poster will present main conclusions arising from the research. A method...
Malgorzata Kasprzak
(University of Fribourg)
04/11/2014, 17:45
The nEDM experiment located at the ultracold neutron source at Paul Scherrer Institut searches for a permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron (EDM) by looking for a difference of the neutron precession frequencies in parallel and antiparallel magnetic and electric fields. Changes of the magnetic field and its gradients that are correlated with the electric field reversal may mimic an...