6–8 Jun 2011
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone
AICI (June 6-7, 2011) and Snow Chemistry Modeling (June 8, 2011) workshops

Organics in Snow and Ice: Recent Findings from Field and Modeling Studies

6 Jun 2011, 09:20
Columbia University

Columbia University

New York, NY, USA


Dr Amanda Grannas (Villanova University)


It has become increasingly apparent that snow and ice are important media for both homogeneous and heterogeneous environmental chemical reactions. A variety of chemistry occurs in/on snow and ice, including photochemical, redox and biologically-mediated reactions. Organic components play an important role in many of these processes. Organics can be the reactive chromophore or a photosensitizer in photochemical processes; they may take part in electron shuttling for redox processes; or they can serve the role of carbon source for biological metabolism. These myriad processes all play an important role in the exchange of reactive species between snow and the atmosphere. This presentation will focus on the state of the science with respect to identifying and characterizing organic materials present in snow and ice, and the interactions of snow and ice in the environment with VOCs, from a field and modeling perspective.

Please list some keywords

snow, ice, VOCs, organics, photochemistry, atmospheric exchange

Primary author

Dr Amanda Grannas (Villanova University)

Presentation materials

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