21 October 2016
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

Three different ways to look for NC parity violation with muons

21 Oct 2016, 14:45
Auditorium / WHGA001 (Paul Scherrer Institut)

Auditorium / WHGA001

Paul Scherrer Institut

CH-5232 Villigen


Prof. Maxim Pospelov (Perimeter Institute for theoretical physics)


I will describe several conceptual schemes for detecting parity violating muon-nucleus interactions. 1. Muonic atoms, where Z=30 and higher atoms offer a possibility to look for 2S->1S parity violating transition. 2. Scattering of polarized muons, where muon spin is manipulated in a storage-ring type set-up. 3. Using optical activity type rotation of the transverse linear polarization of muons.

Primary author

Prof. Maxim Pospelov (Perimeter Institute for theoretical physics)

Presentation materials