Contributed talks Wednesday I: Visualisation techniques
- Chiara Carminati (PSI)
Martin Turner
(University of Manchester)
1/11/17, 10:20 AM
Dynamic experiments require careful planning and visualisation is key for the next generation of 4D control for dynamic objects.
Experience of integrating HPC/ visualisation and feedback of the human in the facility data capture is being built at SCD/STFC; UK.
Nicholas Tan Jerome
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
1/11/17, 10:40 AM
With data sets growing beyond petabytes or even terabytes in scientific experiments, there is a trend of keeping data at facilities and providing remote cloud-based services for analysis. However, accessing these data sets remotely is cumbersome due to additional network latency and incomplete metadata description. To ease the data set browsing on remote data archives, our WAVE framework...