Contributed talks Monday: Reconstruction techniques
- Federica Marone (SYN-PSI)
Daniil Kazantsev
(The University of Manchester)
1/9/17, 3:40 PM
Technological advances in tomographic acquisition speeds allow multiple 3D data to be acquired in a short period of time, meaning that the structural changes of an object can be interpreted as a function of time. Dynamic experiments are crucial since they can shed a light on structural changes under realistic conditions. The critical limitation of dynamic imaging is a number of projections...
Vincent Van Nieuwenhove
(University of Antwerp)
1/9/17, 4:00 PM
A conventional 4D computed tomography (CT) acquisition consists of several CT (sub) scans that are acquired sequentially. Conventionally, each sub scan is independently reconstructed. A straight forward method to improve the temporal resolution and reduce deformation artefacts the acquisition time of each sub scan can be shortened. However, this strategy results in low signal to noise ratio...
Holger Kohr
(CWI, Amsterdam)
1/9/17, 4:20 PM
Today, most imaging software pipelines distinguish between (at least)
the steps of (1) data acquisition, (2) volumetric reconstruction and (3)
visualization and analysis. Those parts are usually treated as separate
"modules" with only marginal interaction, e.g., through calibration
parameters. In particular, reconstruction is almost always performed on
a whole volume, and the...