Nov 15 – 16, 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone


PSI Condensed Matter Retreat

15th & 16th November, 2017

FHNW in Windisch (5.0H06 Studiensaal)

Deadline: 23rd October, 2017
To exchange ideas and to foster networking between young researchers in condensed matter at PSI, in particular between those using neutrons/muons/photons
(i.e. mainly – but not exclusively – from LNS, LMU, LDM, LMX, CMT, LSC, LMN, and SwissFEL Photonics)
Participants: PhD, Postdocs and staff scientists

Format: talks and posters

In 2017 we give an emphasis to Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES).
 all CM research areas shall be represented. We thus encourage all young PSI scientists to submit a contribution regardless of its relation to the SCES theme.
Main topics that will be emphasized are:
  • Superconductivity (unconventional; interplay with other orders;…)
  • Topological Insulators and Topological Phases
  • Driven Systems & Pump-Probe Experiments
  • Strong Spin-Orbit coupling in SCES
  • Ferroics & Multiferroics
  • Quantum Criticality
  • Quantum Magnetism & Frustrated Magnetism
  • Blue Sky (new ideas, visions, new projects; other topics)

The regular talks and posters should primarily be presented by PhD students, Postdocs and junior staff scientists.
Aim for a clear presentation of the project which is accessible to a large spectrum of condensed matter physicists. In particular, a very short, pedagogic introduction to the specific topic is requested for every presentation.

Regular talks (15+5 min.):
Talk about a specific project.
The main focus should be given to recent results and open questions.
May include posters which have been presented at a conference/workshop during the last months.
Of course, the posters may also be new.

Flash talks (5 min.):
Short talk (typically three slides) about new project ideas, e.g. if you are looking for PSI partners, or if you seek a solution to a specific question/problem you are facing.

Few overview talks/summary talks (15+5 min.):
Given by a department/lab head.
Will give an overview of the activities of the Department, e.g. which activities do exist, which topics are investigated, what instrumentation is available and what are projects next in line. Summary and synthesis of the research presented in regular talks.

Note that we cannot guarantee that we will respect the authors' preferences for oral or poster presentation. Depending on the number of submissions we receive, some presentations submitted as talks might have to be presented as posters. Authors will be informed in the acceptance mail if a submitted talk has to be presented as a poster instead.