SwissFEL operation software meeting

Working group for SwissFEL operation panels and tools.
    • 10:30 11:00
      Review list of open issues
      Convener: Didier Voulot
      • Fast kicker panel have been developped. A simulation version is to be found in the launcher. The AC channels will be provided bz M. Paraliev and controls and the DC channels will come from M. Laynovsky.
      • The inventory has been updated. All magnets included fast kicker are there. The calibration data and basic optics properties are provided. A set of  PVs will be generated holding these values (L-EFF, HALF-AP, calibration factors).
      • The Rf panels will be updated to show some new energy gain controls and limits provided by R. Kalt. The Modulator part will be removed from the station panel and simplifed in the overview panel.
      • Red colour should be reserved for alarms, faults, problems... The RF status bar is not following this rule. Same for shutter position. Didier will contact R. Kalt. Nicole will look into a better way to display shutter positions.
      • Chritoph will have a meetingg with Cigdem to work on the BLM panel. We want a separate panel from the MPS. It should have a layout indicating the positions relative to the machine, LLM signal versus z and BLM positionned according to z. Some suggestions include a waterfall plot for the LLM and a short cut to open a BLM trace in strip chart. Some features will only be possible with a python application.
      • Energy instead of x axis in the screen images will be needed soon. Nicole will check the status of this request with A. Gobbo (screen panel) and M. Aiba (energy and dispersion channels).
      • A. facchetti has started working on a linac access panel. Good progress.
      Alarm handler
      • Christoph is working on a solution to disable automatically alarmas and alarm groups in the alarm handler based on the machine mode. Prototype working, need more testing. Once the solution is validated it should be deployed in the different configurations.

    • 11:00 11:30
      Special topic
      Convener: Didier Voulot