SwissFEL operation software meeting

Working group for SwissFEL operation panels and tools.
    • 09:00 09:20
      Review list of open issues
      Convener: Didier Voulot
      Present: D. Voulot, N. Hiller, S. Maeder, C. Kittel

      • The overview panel has been updated. The diagram show realistic scale (chicane at correct positions). The BPM chart are plotted according to z. Still to do LLM/BLM positioning. Still need some work from Anton to get the widget positioning correct.
      • The MPS panel will be updated following the same principles.
      • A proto MK panel is in the launcher. This is a test panel. There is already a test panel for the synopptic. This should remain an exception and should be clearly labelled in the launcher entry and on the panel (simulation colour in title bar). A test panel area does not sound like a good idea: the launcher should contain working operation tools. 
      • The injector panel has been renamed machine start-up panel. Minor improvements. The x/y commands for the MCOR are now colour coded. Same colours has in BPM position plots.
      • Christoph proposes to modify the magnet overview panels with tabs. The colour coding could also be introduced there. To be discussed with Mike.
      • Synoptic is not yet finished. Requires some work from Andreas. Nicole to take over eventually. Clearly not a priority for the moment.
      •  BLM/LLM Christoph proposes a concept of panel following a discussion with Cigdem. Basic idea a MPS like panel with machine layout and BLM LLM information plotted to scale with more BLM/LLM specific details. Loss data history as waterflow plot. Can it be done in qt?
      • Test/update gun scan and Schottky scan
      • Update of RF panels
      SwissFEL check-list
      • Two goals: training and machine documentation. For the documentation one need to have specify measurement conditions. Nicole has collected ideas from laser team and will propose a check list. 
      • Didier suggest having: Schottky, gun scan and virtual cathode image. These are good trainig goals as it implies mastering beam rate, MPS, magnet controls etc. This can be the topic of a little training exercise and later be tried by operators on their own.
      High level application structure
      • Christoph will organise a meeting (whenever possible) with Florian and Thomas to discuss the HLA structure. The goal would be to define packages and their interfaces.

    • 09:20 09:50
      Special topic
      Convener: Didier Voulot
    • 09:50 10:00
      Plans for next operation shifts
      Convener: Didier Voulot