SwissFEL operation software meeting

Working group for SwissFEL operation panels and tools.
    • Review list of open issues
      Convener: Didier Voulot
      • Rene Kapeller will install RHEL7 on sf-cons-04 (right most console) next week for test purpose. We should check if it resolves some of the display known issues (chrome, java).
      • Archiver direct links are now working correctly.
      • Simon Ebner will deploy Pandoc a new document converter. This should be useful to produce nicely formatted document output from Jupyter.
      • PVs should be used for reference values. in this way they can be readilly archived and the history can be checked e.g. emittance values, phase reference etc
      • A tutorial on RF panels and RF operation should be welcome -> SF academy
      • A dailly checklist to be done by operators every morning is in preparation. Initially this will be focussed on documenting the laser and gun set-up. Nicole has written a jupyter notebook which should automatise the process. The whole thing should not take longer than about 30 min and should be handled by operators. First the master operators should learn how to do it and test it. Then the operators will be trained. (,
      • The QE map application will need major revision to meet operation standards. For the moment it is a low priority.
      • SU does remove a key from the tunnel access panel every week during the service day. Is this necessary? Should the control room be instructed to wait for them before setting the tunnel to Free? Didier will check with SU.
      • Python applications: suggestions of small python projects that are useful for operation and that could be given to operators are welcome. Same thing for caqtdm panels.
      • The h5 structure of images (screen panel) could be improved. 
      • The screen name is missing in the automatic e-log entries and in the h5 filenames. Some information should also be saved automatically with the image for certain screens e.g. laser settings, gun settings charge etc
      • The name and possibly z-position of a screen should be visible on the screen panel.
      • Nicole will discuss with Simon Ebner and Alexandre Gobbo the previous points.
    • Special topic
      Convener: Didier Voulot
    • Plans for next operation shifts
      Convener: Didier Voulot
      • Test timing scan to find correct timing of the ICT (C. Ozkan)
      • Measure gun dispersion.
      • Snapshot file with focussing strength/test energy scaling (if ready)
      • Operator training.