October 26, 2017
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone


A Data Science’s Perspective of the Use of Containers: Use Cases from Bioinformatics to Digital Humanities Projects

Oct 26, 2017, 11:45 AM
WHGA/001 Auditorium (Paul Scherrer Institut)

WHGA/001 Auditorium

Paul Scherrer Institut

Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), 5232 Villigen, Switzerland


A Data Science’s Perspective of the Use of Containers: Use Cases from Bioinformatics to Digital Humanities Projects

  • Martial Sankar (SIB)


We have used containers to address the following issues:
- the integration of various libraries and framework with complicated setup
- the rise of reproducibility issues in scientific studies
- the need for data interoperability and safety
Containers are versatile tools that could offer suitable solutions to address such data science issues. Through a series of use cases ranging from life science to digital humanities projects, we illustrate how we took advantage of the flexibility of containers to deliver innovative products to our users.

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