A laser heater panel has been prepared and is available in the launcher Laser>LH overview (AF). It will be tested this week with SB. A link to the screen panel for SLG-LCAM-C141 and some position readbacks for the shutter should be added.
The gun laser overview panel needs to be updated: links to the laser alarm panel and to the LH panel, display of LH status (e.g. shutter).
A mover overview is in preparation (also AF). This is meant for debugging and as a short term solution until we have more advanced tools to set/control mover positions. It gives an overview of the 5D movers, chicane movers and LH movers. The undulators 5D movers, QFF movers and collimators should be added in separate tabs.
Readonly overview panels are required in different context. The SF overview is now available has a webpage on the intranet http://gfa-status.web.psi.ch/SF-status.html. This is intended for the SwissFEL team and users. It would be good to have the SwissFEL overview for photonics panel also available as a webpage. A general overview is also required for the SwissFEL lobby monitor and possibly for the internet page. This should have less information, essentially showing beam destination and photon beam wavelength and intensity. A good example is the SLS webpage: https://www.psi.ch/sls/realtime-status. DV will sketch a proposal.
Beam statistics: NH already provides a jupyter notebook that can be run periodically. This provides the up time and some beam statistics (stability). We would need a more systematic solution taking into account beam presence (BPM, gas detector), user request and machine mode.
Some channels with state slection menus should be available: one for the users similar to SLS (attended, unattended, offline) and one for the operator (e.g. SASE delivery, SASE tuning, linac set-up, down time, maintenance, machine commissioning, photonics commisisoning). This should come with some alarms checking the consistency of the desired and actual state of the machine (e.g. user setting their beamline to attended and a closed shutter should trigger an alarm).
This should be discussed together with the users. NH will organise a meeting.
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