May 17, 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
hpc-ch forum


Keynote Presentation. Data&Computing Services for Personalized Health: a Paradigm Shift

May 17, 2018, 11:00 AM
Auditorium A

Auditorium A

Vital-IT Group SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Quartier Sorge, Genopode building CH-1015 Lausanne Switzerland


Keynote Presentation. Data&Computing Services for Personalized Health: a Paradigm Shift

  • Diana Coman Schmid (ETH Zurich)


The talk will introduce the Swiss Personalized Health Ecosystem (SPHN/PHRT projects and beyond) and give an user and usage perspective for handling sensitive biomedical data in secure computing environments. The special context is setup by the patient data, which has high legal and ethical requirements but also high and challenging computing demands.

To offer top class services for Personalized Health Research, secure and powerful IT infrastructures for data storage, computing and sharing are a must. This is instrumental but not sufficient. What we also need in this diverse and dynamic ecosystem are innovative teams with hybrid expertise (for example, medicine, bioinformatics, IT). With the user experience as a central focus, the challenges are on finding the right balance between security and usability.

Christian Bolliger will further extend on how Leonhard Med - a secure computing and data platform for Personalized Health - is addressing the requirements and challenges for Personalized Health data handling.

Presentation materials

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