May 6 – 8, 2018
US/East-Indiana timezone


The organizing committee would like to thank all the participants for their enthusiastic participation to the First Spring Pharmaceutical Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction Workshop!

We hope to see you next year in Switzerland for the next edition!


‘The 1st SPS-XRPD workshop is a great success. The two-and-a-half workshop assembled x-ray experts from academia, industry and national labs. It is educational, informative and fun. A must-go event for all pharmaceutical scientists’
 Chenyang Shi, AbbVie Inc

Very informative and useful to apply the information in my daily professional life’

Naveen K. Thakral, Upsher Smith Laboratories LLC

 ‘I was pleasantly surprised that a gathering of highly qualified experts would make their presentations accessible for non-experts without compromising the depth of the subjects addressed’

Arturo Araque, Excelsus Scientific Engineering


‘I’m very glad to attend this workshop. Excellent speakers and talks, fruitful discussions! It’s great to see some old friends and make some new. Thank you very much for organizing this wonderful workshop!’

Tony Hu, NYU Department of Chemistry

‘It has been an incredible experience, as a student it brings you the opportunity to meet the experts, share your work and even discuss it’

Barbara Ramirez, UNAM Mexico

‘An excellent mix of theory and practice and a great insight into how pharmaceutical research benefits from x-ray methods’
 ‘An excellent mix of x-ray synchrotron experts and pharma researchers’

‘I had the opportunity to interact with and listen to the experts in the field and emerging techniques in XRD and data analysis’