Internet SF overview panel (public page see still needs a concept. Didier will sketch a page layout. Machine and experiment status state need to be further developped. This is connected with the beam time statistics discussion.
There will be a meeting on SF statistics. There should be two levels:
The status that is filled by the operation team (beam delivery, downtime, set-up etc) and users (attended, unattended)
The number of pulse actually delivered during user operation and the cause for missing bunches (MPS)
Photonics panels should be updated. They should in principle be taken over by operation. This could be a nice project to get started with panel development. Alessandro will look for volunteers among the operators. Nicole will organise some caqtdm tutorials/hands-on sessions (not before mid march).
There will be a WSC meeting to discuss how data should be output to epics and other applications.
BPM channels will also be updated especially the way the reference orbit is handled (meeting Boris Keil).
A set of channels giving beam synchronous enegry values should be developped by Nicole/Florian. This proves more difficult than expected to implement. The priority should also be given to operator training. This will not be completed in the near future.
Alessandro has finished the laser heater panel. It is now available in the launcher.
The mover overview panel is almost ready (also from Alessandro). To be added to the launcher. This will give an overview of the different movers. The maintenance switch and emergency stop states should be added.
The tunnel access panel should be updated to handle the S30CB13/deflecting cavity.
Stripcharts can now be launched from the command line specifying directly the file to load e.g. strip_chart -f=/afs/psi/intranet/SF/Applications/config/stripchart/diag/VA_channels_SARMA01-MQUA.scd -start
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