Didier sketched a layout for the SwissFEL overview page. (Attached)
Tools for the SwissFEL operation statistics should be put in place for the restart after the coming shutdown. It will be based on an ioc database allowing the operator to specify the beam usage and up/downtime. The system will auatomatically account time to predefine categories based on these settings and the MPS alarms. These controls should then be added to the user interface panel. In parrallel a logbook entry template should be prepared for the Schicht Ubergabe. This should contain a plot of the last 8h of beam and a list of the long interuption to be filled/commented by operators. Christoph will take care of this and check with Andreas what exists for the other machines. A tool reading the archiver/bs data seems at this point to be redundant and less reliable.
Panels for the photon diagnostics should be redone/improved especially the ones regularly used from the control room. This should be perfect projects for operators wishing to learn caqtdm. Nicole will advertise it to operators and inform/coordinate with Thierry/Pavle.
Simon has been working on improving the Snapshot tool. Loading new request files is now slightly faster (30 s). Still the reaction time of the gui is excessively slow when working with infiltered lists. One option would be to not load channels when no filter is applied (or limit the number of displayed channels). Another issue is the fact that the applicaiton is a stand-alone application. One session will ignore snapshots created from another session. Ideally we should have server/client implementation, alternatively a refresh button to reload the list of snapshot would be welcome. To be discussd with Simon.
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