3 October 2019
WSL Birmensdorf
Europe/Zurich timezone
hpc-ch forum


Daint, logging at 2000 messages per second

3 Oct 2019, 11:35
Room Englersaal (WSL Birmensdorf )

Room Englersaal

WSL Birmensdorf

Zürcherstrasse 111 8903 Birmensdorf


Daint, logging at 2000 messages per second

  • Miguel Gila (CSCS)


Our flagship supercomputer, Piz Daint, produces a huge amount of logging data every second: environmental data, hardware counters, filesystem performance, scheduler data, etc. We store and process, in seconds, all this information, and produce plots that help us understand better the system and make more solid business decisions.

In this presentation, I will show how we use Elasticsearch to collect and extract useful information from this, but also how you can use it to store even more relevant data for your use case.

Presentation materials

Building timetable...