Kicker and Pulser Design: #1
- Christopher H. Gough (Paul Scherrer Institut)
- Chikaori Mitsuda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
Kicker and Pulser Design: #2
- David Alesini (LNF-INFN)
- Christopher H. Gough (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Kicker and Pulser Design: #3
- David Alesini
Yoshifumi Takashima
(Nagoya University)
02/04/2019, 12:00
Olaf Dressler
(Hemlholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
02/04/2019, 12:30
Chikaori Mitsuda
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
02/04/2019, 14:00
Jinhui Chen
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China)
02/04/2019, 14:30
Robert Littlewood
(Sydor Technologies)
03/04/2019, 09:00
Christopher H. Gough
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
03/04/2019, 09:30
Johan Wickström
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
03/04/2019, 10:00