Theoretical Motivation for measuring the muon EDM

Feb 17, 2020, 9:10 AM
WHGA 001

WHGA 001


Andreas Crivellin


We consider possible beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) effects that can accommodate both the long-standing tension in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, aμ=(g−2)μ/2, as well as the emerging 2.5σ deviation in its electron counterpart, ae=(g−2)e/2. After performing an EFT analysis, we consider BSM physics realized above the electroweak scale and find that a simultaneous explanation becomes possible in models with chiral enhancement. However, this requires a decoupling of the muon and electron BSM sectors to avoid the strong constraints from μ→eγ. In particular, this decoupling implies that there is no reason to expect the muon electric dipole moment (EDM) dμ to be correlated with the electron EDM de, avoiding the very stringent limits for the latter. While some of the parameter space for dμ favored by aμ could be tested at the (g−2)μ experiments at Fermilab and J-PARC, a dedicated muon EDM experiment at PSI would be able to probe most of this region. In fact, only muon EDM experiments are capable to test the associated effective operator, giving strong motiations for such a measurement.

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