The latest developments in the modeling of HTS large-scale systems
In the seminar, the latest developments in the modeling of HTS large-scale systems, in particular those based on 2G-HTS technology, are introduced. The methods used in their modeling can help magnet designers to assess accurately the magnetic field quality as well as helping to make design decision for the associated cryogenic system.
Nowadays, the modeling of HTS systems relies heavily on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for its flexibility and ease of use to address more complex and realistic problems. A novel strategy to produce fast and reliable 2D simulations of HTS coils is presented that relies on the T-A formulation of the Maxwell’s equations. To show the applicability of this strategy, the electromagnetic behavior of a real case study, the 32 T all-superconducting magnet (axisymmetric case) commissioned at the National High Magnetic Field laboratory, in Florida, USA, is studied. With the T-A formulation in conjunction with the homogenization technique, it is possible to reach "real-time" simulation on a personal computer at a fair accuracy. The proposed techniques can be readily applied to insertion devices based on HTS bulks or HTS winding.
For details, contact Stéphane Sanfilippo