Michael Boege
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
10/06/2020, 10:00
Maximilian Wurm
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
10/06/2020, 10:10
mechanical aspects, FEA simulations, girder movers, prototyping and measurement
James Dymoke-Bradshaw
(Diamond Light Source)
10/06/2020, 11:00
constraints, services, vibration & alignment considerations, materials and movers
Davide Crivelli
(DIAMOND Light Source)
10/06/2020, 11:20
vibration test methodology & statistics, development girder test plan
Marco Apollonio
(Diamond Light Source)
10/06/2020, 11:40
James Dymoke-Bradshaw
(Diamond Light Source)
10/06/2020, 11:50