10 June 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

DLS-2 / SLS 2.0 Information Exchange


Specific Girder Design, Measurement and Procurement Topics, Discussion & Wrap-Up

10 Jun 2020, 12:00


Zoom Meeting Information https://psich.zoom.us/j/99195989330?pwd=aVBEaWdHZ2N4R1I3ZDNPblpYRnVxQT09 Meeting ID: 991 9598 9330 Password: 514523 One tap mobile +496971049922,,99195989330#,,1#,514523# Germany Dial by your location +49 69 7104 9922 Germany +34 917 873 431 Spain +41 43 210 71 08 Switzerland +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 991 9598 9330 Password: 514523 Find your local number: https://psich.zoom.us/u/adH6QRbxZu


Specific Girder Design, Measurement and Procurement Topics, Discussion & Wrap-Up

  • Volker Schlott (Paul Scherrer Institut)
  • James Dymoke-Bradshaw (Diamond Light Source)

Presentation materials

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