Compact photon sources based on novel accelerator concepts promise a miniaturization of future facilities and may enable new mobile applications. This presentation will review the recent progress in compact source R&D at the LEAPS partners and it should stimulate discussions on the future role of LEAPS in compact source development.
Plasma-based accelerators are a promising technology that could significantly reduce the size and cost of future accelerator facilities. However, the quality of the produced beams, particularly regarding the energy spread (typically on the 1-10% range), is still not sufficient for applications. We present here a novel concept for plasma-based acceleration which could deliver multi-GeV beams...
Coherent radiation is a powerful scheme for storage ring based synchrotron radiation sources as its intensity increases with the square of the number of radiating electrons (N~107 ) instead only linearly as in common storage ring based light sources. Formation of bunches or sub-bunches shorter than the radiation wavelength is necessary for the radiation from different electrons to add in phase...
The SXL project gathered the needs of a broad science case coming mainly from Swedish users and aims to build a soft X-ray FEL targeting the range from 5 to 1 nm. Given the energy (3 GeV) of the already existing linac at the MAX IV laboratory, which serves as injector for two storage rings and the short pulse facility, it was proposed to work on a conceptual design that builds-up on that....