First WG2 Workshop

Online (Zoom)



Marco Calvi (Paul Scherrer Institut)

First WG2 Workshop

  • Making the collaborations within LEAPS easy & effective
  • Identify the key developments to keep our facilities at the cutting-edge technology
  • Learn from the LIDs proposal how to work with the EC
  • Welcome the colleagues of the Canadian Light Source
Registration WG2 Online Workshop
  • Adriana Wawrzyniak
  • Andreas Jankowiak
  • Andreas Schälicke
  • Angel Ferran Pousa
  • Barbara Marchetti
  • Christoph Kittel
  • Drew Bertwistle
  • Emanuel Karantzoulis
  • Erik Mansten
  • Francesca Curbis
  • Francis PEREZ
  • Guenther Rehm
  • Hamed Tarawneh
  • Ian Martin
  • Jens Knobloch
  • Jens Osterhoff
  • Johann Baader
  • Jörg Feikes
  • Jørgen S. Nielsen
  • Leonid Rivkin
  • Marco Calvi
  • Marie Emmanuelle Couprie
  • Mark Boland
  • Massimo Ferrario
  • Nicholas Sammut
  • Pavel Evtushenko
  • Rainer Wanzenberg
  • Richard Walker
  • Sara Casalbuoni
  • Simone Di Mitri
  • Sverker Werin
  • Thomas Schmidt
  • Thomas Tschentscher
  • Xiaoyang Liang
  • Åke Andersson
Marco Calvi
    • Welcome
      Convener: Dr Marco Calvi (Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • Topical working group leaders Online



      Compact Sources
      Free Electron Lasers

    • News from LIDs & CLSI Online



      LIDs : LEAPS Insertion Devices
      CLSI : Canadian Light Source Inc.

    • 3:50 PM
      "Coffee" break Online



    • Special topics Online



      Dedicated to recent achievements and/or new concepts

      • 6
        Novel two-stage concept for ultra-low energy spread beams from plasma accelerators

        Plasma-based accelerators are a promising technology that could significantly reduce the size and cost of future accelerator facilities. However, the quality of the produced beams, particularly regarding the energy spread (typically on the 1-10% range), is still not sufficient for applications. We present here a novel concept for plasma-based acceleration which could deliver multi-GeV beams with an unprecedented energy spread performance on the 0.1% (total) and 0.01% (slice) range. This scheme, based on the combined use of a magnetic chicane with multiple plasma-accelerating stages, therefore offers a new path towards groundbreaking applications such as compact free-electron lasers.

        Speaker: Dr Angel Ferran-Pousa (DESY)
      • 7
        Steady State Microbunching in Storage Rings - Proof of Principle Results at MLS

        Coherent radiation is a powerful scheme for storage ring based synchrotron radiation sources as its intensity increases with the square of the number of radiating electrons (N~107 ) instead only linearly as in common storage ring based light sources. Formation of bunches or sub-bunches shorter than the radiation wavelength is necessary for the radiation from different electrons to add in phase and therefore cohere. Recently at the MLS it was shown that in a dedicated isochronous optics an electron beam energy modulation induced by an externally applied laser in an undulator section leads to the formation of sub-bunches with a length of 1 µm one turn later. It was proven that these micro- bunches radiate coherently in that same undulator at exactly that wavelength. This is the first step towards the so called “Steady State micro Bunching” concept (SSMB) for storage rings proposed by Alex Chao and Daniel Ratner in 2010 as a new type of synchrotron light source.

        Speaker: Dr Jörg Feikes (Helmholtz Berlin)
      • 8
        Lasing beyond 20 keV, recent achievements and future prospects

        European XFEL is the world leading FEL facility in terms of electron and photon energies. The new regime above 20 keV allows for novel photon science opportunities, especially in combination with the high repetition rate of EuXFEL. This presentation shows both the to-date achievements as well as future plans to strive for even higher photon energies within the next years.

        Speaker: Dr Marc Guetg (DESY)
      • 9
        The SXL project: Towards a sub-fs soft X-ray FEL at MAX IV

        The SXL project gathered the needs of a broad science case coming mainly from Swedish users and aims to build a soft X-ray FEL targeting the range from 5 to 1 nm. Given the energy (3 GeV) of the already existing linac at the MAX IV laboratory, which serves as injector for two storage rings and the short pulse facility, it was proposed to work on a conceptual design that builds-up on that. Short electron bunches needed to drive the FEL process can be obtained by tuning the two double-achromat bunch compressors and even shorter (sub-fs) are foreseen with low charge operation of the photocathode gun. Two color two pulses modes are foreseen with the split undulator scheme, in which a big chicane can control the delay between the two pulses/colors. The current design relies also on very compact undulators that allow variable polarization. Although already equipped with the basic features to drive an FEL in the soft X-ray range, some developments and improvements are needed to reach the desired performance, both in terms of additional diagnostics and further advanced operation schemes. In particular, contrary to conventional chicanes compressors, the double-achromat system impinges the longitudinal phase space with an energy chirp and with a strongly not flat current profile. Current studies are aiming for manipulating the longitudinal phase space in order to accommodate other FEL schemes than SASE (fresh slice, chic, echo, seeding).

        Speaker: Francesca Curbis (MAX IV laboratory)
    • Open discussion Online

