Machine Working Group Update Meeting



General information/news relevant to Porthos:

  • SwissFEL Strategy Board (13 October 2020):
    • The SSB clearly prefers a true 3-bunch setup (better 4-bunch) such that all beamlines can run concurrently at 100 Hz. We should only forego this option if and once we are sure it is not technically feasible.
  • SCNAT Roadmap:
    • The "discipline-specific" roadmap for FEL-based photon science, promoting Porthos as the next big project for Switzerland in this field, is currently being finalized by Rafael Abela and Marco Stampanoni.
    • The machine part (~2 pages) has been shortened and simplified, now ready to be released.
    • Time scale: complete for internal review by end of October, final version in early December.
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