21 November 2011
University of Berne
Europe/Zurich timezone

Femtosecond analysis of protein nanocrystals and supramolecular complexes.

21 Nov 2011, 10:50
205 (University of Berne)


University of Berne

Hallerstrasse 6 3012 Berne


Dr valerie panneels (Paul Scherrer Institute)


Membrane proteins (MPs) represent key components of cell membranes, about one fourth of the human proteome and 60% of the drug targets. We are interested in learning about the different conformations a MP can adopt in response to interacting molecules. The best way to analyse this at the atomic level is to determine their 3D-structure by crystal X-ray diffraction. We aim at producing nanocrystals of MPs and of supramolecular complexes, especially those related to tubulin, for analysis with FELs. A range of techniques will have to be employed for nanocrystal detection. Nanocrystals may exhibit fewer lattice imperfections compared to larger crystals. The x-ray beam parameters needed to analyse nanocrystals by “diffract-and-destroy” serial crystallography will be discussed as well as the way to deliver the nanocrystals to the beam.

Primary author

Dr valerie panneels (Paul Scherrer Institute)


Dr Ching-Ju Tsai (Paul Scherrer Institute) Prof. Gebhard Schertler (Paul Scherrer Institute) Dr Guido Capitani (Paul Scherrer Institute) Dr Xiao-Dan Li (Paul Scherrer Institute)

Presentation materials