Jan 13 – 15, 2021
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

We are pleased to announce the first WavemiX workshop on “Non-linear X-ray spectroscopy” that will take place remotely from January 13 to 15, 2021.

The development of X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFEL’s) has allowed new types of experiments, especially in the ultrafast domain, hitherto impossible. The high fluxes, short pulse durations (reaching the attosecond time scale) and coherence properties of the beam allow for exciting non-linear X-ray experiments, such as various wave mixing schemes, multiphoton absorption, stimulated Raman, etc.

Following the kick-off meeting that took place on September 16, 2020, we feel the moment is ripe to gather the larger community in a workshop to work on future projects and stablish collaborations involving X-ray non-linear phenomena. This workshop is a great opportunity for all the involved scientists to take part in the community, present results and share innovative ideas for future projects within the network. Our workshop will count on the submission of projects in the form of proposals, to be shared and discussed with other members and compose the Book of Projects. The template for the project can be found at the “Project Form” section. Please then upload the filled form into your registration. Projects and contributions will be selected for a perspective paper upon agreement with authors.

Invited (25min + 5min Q&A) and contributed talks (15min + 5min Q&A) will take place between 16:00 to 20:00 (Central European Time), and a round table will mark the last day of our workshop, with great scientific discussions and exchanging of ideas.

Registration is open from December 1 to 31. Looking forward to host you at WavemiX 2021.


                                  YOUNG SCIENTISTS WANTED!

       We highly encourage the participation of young scientists with
            the submission of original projects. We welcome the new
   generation of scientists as an important foundation for the future
                                           of our community.



Paul Scherrer Institut
Virtual only
Forschungsstr. 111 CH-5232 Villigen
There is an open survey.