Jan 13 – 15, 2021
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

Perspective on FEL based WM

Jan 13, 2021, 4:30 PM
Virtual only (Paul Scherrer Institut)

Virtual only

Paul Scherrer Institut

Forschungsstr. 111 CH-5232 Villigen
WavemiX 2021


Claudio Masciovecchio (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)


In this paper, we will discuss how recent advances in the performance of the FELs allowed non-linear experiments at sub-optical wavelengths. In particular Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) [1] and Transient Grating (TG) [2] experiments have finally demonstrated the high potential of VUV/soft X-ray wave mixing techniques. TG experiments at sub-optical wavelength are relevant for the study of nanoscale dynamics in disordered systems as well as in semiconductors. Exciting phonon modes with nanometer wavelength would allow shedding light on a plethora of scientific open problems ranging from the thermal anomalies in glasses to understanding nanoscale thermal transport [3]. Wave mixing in the soft X-ray could be used as well to investigate drug/target intermolecular vibrational dynamics [4], or to measure natural circular dichroism signals [5].

[1] R. K. Lam, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 120, pp. 023901 January 2018.
[2] F. Bencivenga et al., Adv. In Phys., vol. 63, pp. 327, May 2015.
[3] F. Bencivenga et al., Science Adv. vol. 5, pp. 5805, July 2019.
[4] R. Mincigrucci et al., submitted
[5] C. Masciovecchio et al., in preparation

Primary author

Claudio Masciovecchio (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste)

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