Jan 13 – 15, 2021
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

Research Opportunities with X-Ray Four-Waves Mixing Capability with FELss

Jan 14, 2021, 4:40 PM
Virtual only (Paul Scherrer Institut)

Virtual only

Paul Scherrer Institut

Forschungsstr. 111 CH-5232 Villigen
WavemiX 2021


Prof. Daniel Neumark (University of Ca Berkeley/LBNL)


Four-waves mixing techniques (FWM), based on third-order non-linear photon-matter interaction, have been used as a very powerful methodology in the optical and recently in the XUV domains to uncover dynamics inaccessible by linear (one-dimensional) spectroscopy. The latter provides information about the frequencies absorbed by the molecule, but lacks detail about the individual transitions and their coupling. The coherent and multi-wave nature of the FWM technique has pushed forward basic scientific understanding as well as in the development of new technologies.
X-rays FELs provide an opportunity to extend FWM since they provide atomic specificity as well as temporal and spatial resolution. We will propose possible FWM experiments as well as discuss the experimental requirements.

Primary author

Nora Berrah (University of Connecticut)


Prof. Stephen Leone (University of CA Berkeley/LBNL) Dr James Gaynor (University of CA Berkeley/LBNL) Prof. Daniel Neumark (University of Ca Berkeley/LBNL)

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