FELSI Meeting 10 June 2008

WBGB 020 (PSI)

WBGB 020


    • 14:00 14:20
      Yujong Kim: Two Injector Optimizations and Review of Beam Diagnostic Section Optics for 250 MeV Injector 20m
      AA: In your simulation the beta function at LOLA seems lower than what you would like to have...? YK: Yes, see later. We can easily get a modified optics which can supply about beta_y = 40 m. AO: Are Volker and Rasmus aware of these new results? YK: Volker knows them. TS: Who will design the two LOLA cavities? YK: We will get them from SPARC!
    • 14:20 14:45
      ndreas Adelmann: Short update on Opal, FELSIM cluster and introduction of new summer student 25m
      ntroduction of new summer student, Frank Hantschel from Heidelberg; he will be with us for three months. Frank's task consists in the integration of BET into the OPAL framework. Some news on OPAL: more beamline elements have become available it is now possible to have several tracking sequences in a row a first implementation of a 1D CSR model will become available by the end of the week wake fields should be implemented by the end of the month The FELSIM cluster is now up and running. Early users are testing it. There are a few minor performance issues. Not all the software is installed yet, in particular the queuing system is still missing. AIT currently suffers from a manpower problem (several people leaving) Of course, OPAL is installed and running! Discussion: YK: Would it be possible to include a tool that converts OPAL output to SDDS and vice versa? For instance we could use OPAL up to the bunch compressor, then ELEGANT for the rest. AA: Suuure, let's sit together and do it. FS: Is the 1D CSR model in OPAL similar to the one in ELEGANT? AA: It's the same model. FS: Are drifts included? AA: Yes, absolutely. In fact, OPAL has an explicit drift element, which is essential for wakefields and CSR calculations. YK points out that binning is a very important parameter in ELEGANT! AA: You have it in OPAL, it's a parameter you can set YK: We should cross check OPAL with ELEGANT! AA: It will be easy with SDDS - H5Part conversion
    • 14:45 15:05
      AOB 20m
      Some information from RB: injector design: the new baseline design for the injector (based on RF photocathode) is frozen and will soon be sent around in an e-mail. Clearly the main effort should be on simulations of this baseline design. Nevertheless, we also need an effort to model the linac beyond 250 MeV, to get tolerances up to the second bunch compressor. RB will leave by the end of the month: a detailed discussion on transition issues will take place this Friday with Marco the harddisk that contains the field map repository and the BET source code is now under the administration of AA. There is a README file for information on the contents. June 30th will be RB's last day, before he will attend EPAC (one week). RB's PSI e-mail will remain open. Some form of continued collaboration may be possible. The next FLAC meeting is on July 8/9! Do not be surprised if there are emergency requests coming to your desk!