FLP: Comment on QE measurement shown on page 3: the second measurement was performed about one month later, not four days as written!
TS: The fits are quite bad at low values.
YK: It's not a fit, the curves are adjusted to the data by eye.
RG: In your formula for thermal emittance, you assume a round beam, but at OBLA, we never really had a round beam, at best it was Gaussian-like.
YK: You are right, our beam was not round. It's an assumption.
FLP, TS (on p. 6): You choose a laser spot size of 58.2 μm -- why so small, and why so precise?
YK: The laser spot size is the result of an optimization taking into account the peak current in the end.
FLP: In your optimization the only criterion is slice emittance?
YK: No, I simultaneously consider projected, slice emittance, matching between slices and the beta function must all be when optimizing the machine.
FLP: You just seem to adapt the laser spot size for a given charge to obtain the best result...
RG: The 3D charge density should be roughly the same. The laser spot size is adjusted to achieve the same charge density.
AAng: What is the initial distribution used by ASTRA?
YK: Longitudinal flat-top, radially uniform, energy uniform.
AAng: But this will give you zero thermal emittance!?
YK: No, ASTRA adds thermal emittance.
AA: Actually, this will be covered in my presentation!
TG: By picking a certain K-value, you choose your thermal emittance at will, no?
YK: We could use the measured value for K, I use a conservative over-estimate for my simulations.
FLP: You change the laser pulse length in your simulation, but can we change it in the injector?
CH, RG: Yes, easily.
FLP: If we go to very small laser spot, we may enter the ablation regime, and all your calculations will be wrong...
YK: We need only small laser power; the laser experts think it's feasible.
AO: Has anyone thought about how to measure emittances below 0.1 μm?