7 October 2021
Bâtiment Agora
Europe/Zurich timezone
hpc-ch forum


Keynote Presentation - Using Clinical Images for Machine Learning Research: the Journey from Hospital to HPC

7 Oct 2021, 10:45
Auditoire Paternot (Bâtiment Agora)

Auditoire Paternot

Bâtiment Agora

Rue du Bugnon 25A, 1005 Lausanne


Keynote Presentation - Using Clinical Images for Machine Learning Research: the Journey from Hospital to HPC

  • Jonas Richiardi (CHUV)


As medicine and techniques progress, radiology departments accumulate more and more images, with ever-increasing resolution. These constitute very valuable data that can be used for predictive modelling using machine learning approaches. However, patient privacy and security concerns mean that new IT infrastructure must be put in place.

In this talk, I will cover our ongoing collaboration in data science between the IT and Radiology departments at the Lausanne University Hospital, which is both integrating existing tools and developing new software.

I will discuss data extraction, coding and de-identification of medical images, secure storage using open source software, and give examples of the machine learning pipelines being developed, exploiting both CPU and GPU computing.

Presentation materials

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