13–17 Dec 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Good scientific practice

16 Dec 2021, 08:30


Stine Korreman (Aarhus University)


Good scientific practice
As a researcher, it is your responsibility to maintain and adhere to basic principles ensuring reliability and integrity of the research performed. The fundamental principles relate to honesty, responsibility, reliability, fairness, openness, transparency, objectivity, and impartiality. When working in the health sciences, the protection of personal data is crucial.
The lecture will cover the principles and responsibilities related to good research practice in relation to applications such as working with clinical data, collaboration with external partners, publication and dissemination of knowledge.
In the lecture, we will go through relevant guidelines including “THE EUROPEAN CODE OF CONDUCT FOR RESEARCH INTEGRITY”, the “SINGAPORE STATEMENT ON RESEARCH INTEGRITY”, and the Vancouver authorship guidelines.
In addition, the lecture will include working with illustrative examples and dilemmas through short exercises.

Presentation materials