13–17 Dec 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Time and self-management

15 Dec 2021, 08:30


Antje-Christin Knopf (University Hospital Cologne)


Time and self-management
Sooner or later, every young scientist will realize that good research requires a good approach to time- and self-management. There are two main reasons for that: The complexity of research projects and their often-large time frame. Without good time- and self-management, self-doubt and lack of motivation can easily drain energy and sabotage all planning efforts.
In this lecture, we will look at time- and self-management from a holistic point of view. First, we will review some concrete methods to organize project and track their progress. Attendees will reflect on individual needs they should account for when planning and on personal strengths they can use to carry out their plans. Second, we will look at the root causes of procrastination and writer’s block and develop individual strategies to tackle these issues. Finally, everyone will be invited to reflect and visualize his or her personal motivation and his or her goals in order to ensure sustainable, long-term motivation even when times might get a bit rough.
Lesson contents:
• methods & tools for organising a long-term-project
• methods for measuring progress and keeping motivated
• self-management techniques
• root causes of procrastination and writer's block and how to deal with them
• individual reflection of personal motivation and goals

Presentation materials