4–9 Sept 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone


5 Sept 2022, 15:30


Maja Pohar Perme


The talk will present the basic concepts of biostatistics and statistical inference in general. We will start with the estimation of the population mean and explain the terms like sampling distribution and the standard error. We will explain why and how the central limit theorem plays a central role in the underlying statistical theory. We shall then turn to hypothesis testing and give an intuitive presentation of its main steps. The example of testing the mean value will be used to present the ideas and to discuss the duality between testing the hypotheses and parameter estimation. The presentation will focus heavily on the ideas as well as the interpretation of the obtained estimates, intervals and the statistical hypothesis results, to give an overall picture of the key ideas of statistical inference. The talk will be wrapped up by a brief discussion on the most frequent methodology used in biostatistics.

Primary author

Presentation materials