4–9 Sept 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Gender, Inclusion and Gendered Innovation I

5 Sept 2022, 18:00


Lucia Martinelli


Aim: to create awareness about gender issues and to stimulate practices for a good behavior.
Main Topics: (After a short presentation about myself and my involvement in science and in EPWS)
(I) State of the art of the participation of women in research with particular focus on Europe.
(II) overview about the most crucial gender issues:
-the stereotypes and the unconscious bias;
-the stereotypes in science and specifically about gender;
-who are the women scientists? (role models and mentoring);
-stereotypes and scientific communication;
(III) the European policies of ERA (European Research Area) to overcome the gender gap in science (evolution from 1999 to 2022):
-the projects for supporting the presence of girls in science;
-the Gender Equality Plans (GEP);
-the gendered innovation;
-the inclusive language.

Suggested texts:
(i) Schiebinger, L., Klinge, I., Sánchez de Madariaga, I., Paik, H. Y., Schraudner, M., and Stefanick, M. (Eds.) (2011-2021). Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering and Environment. URL: https://genderedinnovations.stanford.edu/

(ii) Toward an inclusive communication: example in the English language. “Toolkit on gender-sensitive communication” by EIGE, 3/3/22.
URL: https://eige.europa.eu/print/publications/toolkit-gender-sensitive-communication

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