4–9 Sept 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone


4 Sept 2022, 17:30


Mark Plesko


A famous physics professor once said »if you want to make money, don't go through physics. Go the direct way, study economics«. This may have been true in his time, but it certainly isn’t now. I will demonstrate with myself as example, how a “simple” physicist and a couple of physics students, like “you and me”, started on an entrepreneurial journey 20 years ago and are now running the world’s leading company in their field. By honestly explaining what we had (actually, it would be more correct to use the expression “didn’t have”) to become successful, I will try to generalize and give some common sense useful advice in case you want to start your own company. An important point will be the comparison of the academic and business cultures – where are the differences and what are the similarities.

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