On Wednesday, October 26, 15:00-17:30 parallel meetings of LEAPS nine working groups (WGs), two strategy groups (SGs) and WG on LEAPS Legal Entity will happen across campus at PSI.
From 17:30 -18:30 parallel meetings of the DIGITAL LEAPS Projects STARS, HR4 and LIP will be held.
Here you can find an overview with rooms' assignments, respective remote access info, and at the end a static map to locate the rooms.
An online interactive map is also available: https://pocket.psi.ch/psimap
WG 1.1 Detectors Meeting room: OVGA/200 (G4/5) Remote access: https://desy.zoom.us/j/63458360279 |
WG 1.2 Optics and Beamline Instrumentation Meeting room WSLA/008 (A9) Remote access: https://desy.zoom.us/j/61551200027 |
WG 1.3 Experiment Environment Meeting room WBGB/021 (A8) Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/64476274918?pwd=Yjd5bWY2SVRQUGZzZlplTDV6UmJYZz09 |
WG 1.4 Photon Diagnostics Meeting room OFLG/401 (E5) Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/4935126676?pwd=V0Q0MjhEMjFHY1VNTGwxa2EyWlEyQT09 |
WG 2 Photon Sources Meeting room WBBA/008 (A6) Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/66308524615?pwd=UkxlTDBUUWZoTkxoa1p3K1BlZi9Rdz09 |
WG 3 Data Management & Software Auditorium: WHGA/001 (B5) Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/4935126676?pwd=V0Q0MjhEMjFHY1VNTGwxa2EyWlEyQT09 |
WG 4 Industry & Innovation Meeting room WBGB/020 (A8) Remote access: https://rediris.zoom.us/j/89816389494?pwd=V1ViaDdPN0JDMXBQWXBHeGc2VGxIZz09 |
WG 5 User Services & Impact Meeting room WWHB/106 (A7) Remote access: https://rediris.zoom.us/j/81222979556?pwd=a3BOa01RRGJQTjh2UlFTNzY1Vk5TUT09 |
WG 6 Education, Training & Outreach Meeting room OFLG/402 (E5) Remote access: https://rediris.zoom.us/j/87517562574?pwd=d3BFMzdCeDk2RWFvdUpTclJrUHJWdz09 |
WG on LEAPS Legal Entity Meeting room WBGB/019 (A8) Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/61534589635?pwd=R2xOdmdyRDFxd0VMY0NXREVRTXBRdz09 |
SG 1 Storage Ring/Synchrotron Meeting room OKAA-1 and 2 (E6) Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/63114189930?pwd=ZkVPOC8yaTBQbGVIemMyQ0R2Snh4QT09 |
SG 2 Free Electron Lasers Meeting room WHGA/121 (B5) Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/62100775861?pwd=dlhIbjZuVlZzZTVnaUUyczFRb3F6UT09 |
17:30-18:30 |
DIGITAL LEAPS HR4 Meeting room WBGB/020 (A8) Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/63849057668?pwd=ZTJzelBPYXVRVU95NllyMnhrNEthdz09 |
DIGITAL LEAPS STARS Meeting room WBGB/021 (A8) Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/65210579795?pwd=cWRoS3FKT0NkOW5JTUZhL1l2SnVtdz09 |
DIGITAL LEAPS LIP Meeting room WBBA/008 (A6) Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/69513816721?pwd=dm5YS2hEdU9oU3ptTHJkOUhwZVU0Zz09 |