Oct 26 – 28, 2022
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

WGs Parallel Meetings

On Wednesday, October 26, 15:00-17:30 parallel meetings of LEAPS nine working groups (WGs), two strategy groups (SGs) and WG on LEAPS Legal Entity will happen across campus at PSI. 

From 17:30 -18:30 parallel meetings of the DIGITAL LEAPS Projects STARS, HR4 and LIP will be held.

Here you can find an overview with rooms' assignments, respective remote access info, and at the end a static map to locate the rooms. 

An online interactive map is also available: https://pocket.psi.ch/psimap

WG 1.1 Detectors 

Meeting room: OVGA/200 (G4/5)

Remote access: https://desy.zoom.us/j/63458360279

WG 1.2 Optics and Beamline Instrumentation 

Meeting room WSLA/008 (A9)

Remote access: https://desy.zoom.us/j/61551200027

WG 1.3 Experiment Environment 

Meeting room WBGB/021 (A8)

Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/64476274918?pwd=Yjd5bWY2SVRQUGZzZlplTDV6UmJYZz09 

WG 1.4 Photon Diagnostics 

Meeting room OFLG/401 (E5)

Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/4935126676?pwd=V0Q0MjhEMjFHY1VNTGwxa2EyWlEyQT09

WG 2 Photon Sources

Meeting room WBBA/008 (A6)

Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/66308524615?pwd=UkxlTDBUUWZoTkxoa1p3K1BlZi9Rdz09

WG 3 Data Management & Software 

Auditorium: WHGA/001 (B5)

Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/4935126676?pwd=V0Q0MjhEMjFHY1VNTGwxa2EyWlEyQT09

WG 4 Industry & Innovation 

Meeting room WBGB/020 (A8)

Remote access: https://rediris.zoom.us/j/89816389494?pwd=V1ViaDdPN0JDMXBQWXBHeGc2VGxIZz09 

WG 5 User Services & Impact 

Meeting room WWHB/106 (A7)

Remote access: https://rediris.zoom.us/j/81222979556?pwd=a3BOa01RRGJQTjh2UlFTNzY1Vk5TUT09

WG 6 Education, Training & Outreach 

Meeting room OFLG/402 (E5)

Remote access: https://rediris.zoom.us/j/87517562574?pwd=d3BFMzdCeDk2RWFvdUpTclJrUHJWdz09

WG on LEAPS Legal Entity 

Meeting room WBGB/019 (A8)

Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/61534589635?pwd=R2xOdmdyRDFxd0VMY0NXREVRTXBRdz09

SG 1 Storage Ring/Synchrotron 

Meeting room OKAA-1 and 2 (E6)

Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/63114189930?pwd=ZkVPOC8yaTBQbGVIemMyQ0R2Snh4QT09 

SG 2 Free Electron Lasers 

Meeting room WHGA/121 (B5)

Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/62100775861?pwd=dlhIbjZuVlZzZTVnaUUyczFRb3F6UT09 



Meeting room WBGB/020 (A8)

Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/63849057668?pwd=ZTJzelBPYXVRVU95NllyMnhrNEthdz09


Meeting room WBGB/021 (A8)

Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/65210579795?pwd=cWRoS3FKT0NkOW5JTUZhL1l2SnVtdz09


Meeting room WBBA/008 (A6)

Remote access: https://psich.zoom.us/j/69513816721?pwd=dm5YS2hEdU9oU3ptTHJkOUhwZVU0Zz09