Analysis discussion meeting

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PSI trip:

Brought detectors to PSI

Mounted (still needs to be done for miniball and telescope)

Cabled for LN2, preamp, HV and signal



Neutron code pushed to bitbucket and copied to the DAQ computer

Compiles but gives an error when running on the run files:

"short read 0 instead of -950771707"

Frontend won't stat since 03/08

Looking through midas for the live histograms (seems like a steep learning curve)



Finalized first sample RBS profile: 1.84E16 cm^-2

Second sample (27keV gold) from Surrey has arrived --> RBS performed on it soon

RBS has been done on an empty sample (still need to get the sample) --> Michael will follow up on this

200 keV gold sample from Dresden won't be possible because their machine broke down

Samples sent to Dresden for 30 keV potassium implantation (2E17)

Planning systematic study for retained fluence as a function of implantation fluence --> Michael will follow up on this



Cascade code:

Capture efficiency Vs. transfer efficiency. 

Simulations up to Z=40 seem to match the existing data. (max n=20 in the code)

Suggestion: For Z>40: use n=20 as start and investigate the induced error by checking if smaller n provide much difference in lighter nuclei --> Dan will follow up on this

Potassium has about half of the capture efficiency of gold, while it has a fifth of its mass --> We should gain a factor 2.5 in transfer efficiency per unit of mass.



General things:

Next week is the CRIS collaboration meeting, where Michael will present on benchmarking laser spectroscopy with muonic atoms

Silver data looks very good --> Importance of silver 108m

Collection at ISOLDE for Ag108m most likely somewhere in 2023 to see if we can get enough material





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