Analysis discussion meeting

Zoom link: (Zoom link)

Zoom link: (Zoom link)


General update:

Poster presentation at EMIS

Data backed up on KU Leuven cluster, Installed analyzer on my own machine

Quickly looked at Neutron callibration run --> Seems that callibration sources were left on the beamline (mainly visible in miniball). Doesn't seem to affect the neutron callibration much

Running analyzer for different config/equipment files --> Copy specific data into config.json, bach script/python driven



General update:

Conferences and teaching --> Not a lot of time to work on analysis

Some problems starting to analyze

Still need to set up analyzer




Efficiency of the detector array at 2200 keV is not accurate

Highest energy point is currently Y-88 1836 keV

Need to include higher energy points from lead callibration --> Nilesh will follow up on this




Got approached by some theorists concerning the determination of Vud matrix elements

Radii required for calculations, many of which we could measure

Mention in muX for laser spectroscopy proposal?

muX collaboration meeting: Talk about Medium-Z (potassium), and low-Z (lithium), target production methods ...



Open data?

Full data would be too much --> Finalized trees

How to share? --> PSI has a system for this

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