Analysis discussion meeting

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Setting timing parameters

Fitting with a gaussian in a restricted domain works well for scintillators

Nearly same values as online analysis (+/- 3ns)

Electron vetos: Peak + longer tail

Muon entrance: Peak + 2 sides exponential decay --> From next event

Muon veto: Peak + dip (?) + 2 sided exponential decay


ELET for Germanium: scan parameter space factor (1.5, 7.0); threshold (20 - 85)

Fitfunction: Cyrstall ball with different sigma before and after peak position --> Works very well

Parameter space minimization looks quite good for non-BEGE detectors

Time difference spectra for BEGE detectors looks weird (peak + broader gaussian part of several 100 ns) --> Michael will look at the waveforms and talk to Sayani to see how she deals with it.

BEGE's most likely have a fail in the ELET leading to the default timing!




Midas compiling issues, still trying to get the analyzer to work



Progressing in the 2s-1s analysis



Writing and looking back into the curium analysis



muX collaboration meeting: 

Updates on analysis (Cm and 2s-1s) and this years campaign --> Stella, Nilesh, Katharina and Michael will give talks

Future plans and proposals --> Talks on plans for next year and new proposals


General points:

Pyrolytic graphite for systematic study has arrived --> Michael is working on the new RADIATE proposal

Radium implantation: Potentially no winter physics program at ISOLDE this year, maybe implant somewhere else (Leuven if the separator manages to get a beam)

Potassium salts: Above 95% abundance will most likely work if the abuncances are known with sufficient precision

Leuven detectors transport to CERN: Detectors leave PSI today

Charge radii for laser spectroscopy proposal needs to be prepared



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