The PSI summer schools on condensed matter research

The participants of the 2011 school.
The PSI summer school on condensed matter research has a long standing tradition. Originally inaugurated in 1993 as a summer school on neutron scattering in Zuoz/Switzerland the type of the schools was extended in 2002 called ‘PSI summer school on condensed matter research’. From then on it covered not only the neutron as a probe (SINQ) but also the two other methods hosted at the PSI large user facilities, i.e. synchrotron X-rays (SLS) and muons (SμS).
The participants of the 2011 school.
Each year the school pays attention to a special topic like ‘functional materials’ (2009), ‘magnetic phenomena’ (2010) or ‘phase transitions’ (2011). The PSI summer schools are open to the national and non-national scientific community and the language of the school is English.