Andrea Scotti
(Department of Biomedical Science, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden)
24/01/2024, 13:50
Alexander Petrunin
(Institute of Physical Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University)
24/01/2024, 14:25
Boyang Zhou
(ETH Zurich)
24/01/2024, 14:45
Leonardo Chiappisi
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
24/01/2024, 15:05
Elisabetta Nocerino
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
24/01/2024, 15:25
Jean-Paul Chapel
(CRPP, Bordeaux)
24/01/2024, 16:15
Leonard Krupnik
24/01/2024, 16:50
Julien Schmitt
(Institut Charles Gerhardt de Montpellier)
24/01/2024, 17:30
Isabelle Capron
(INRAE, Nantes)
24/01/2024, 17:50
Alexis Chennevière
24/01/2024, 18:25
Harm-Anton Klok
(EPFL, Lausanne)
25/01/2024, 09:05
Olivier Sandre
(Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO) CNRS / Univ Bordeaux / Bordeaux-INP, Pessac, France)
25/01/2024, 09:40
Debasish Saha
(Forschungszentrum Juelich)
25/01/2024, 10:00
Peter Fischer
(ETH Zurich)
25/01/2024, 10:50
Tong Guan
(ETH Zurich)
25/01/2024, 11:25
Ananthapadmanabhan UNNIKRISHNAN
(Doctoral student)
25/01/2024, 11:45
Pierre Bauduin
(ICSM, Marcoule)
25/01/2024, 12:05