Jan 24 – 25, 2024
Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone


Paul Scherrer institute is hosting the 2nd French-Swiss Meeting SANS for Soft Matter, which will take place on the 24th and 25th of January 2024 at the PSI Auditorium building. 

The workshop aims to bring together researchers using SANS in the fields of Soft Matter and Biophysics (and open to other fields as well), especially from the French and Swiss User Communities. The workshop is also motivated by the move of SANS-LLB from the Laboratoire Léon-Brillouin to SINQ at PSI. SANS-LLB will become part of the user program in 2024.

The workshop focuses on recent and ongoing work in the fields of polymers, colloids, surfactants, gels, foams, and proteins and on applications of soft matter in food science, pharma, energy applications and other fields.


Invited guests:

Prof. Andrea Scotti, Malmö University, Malmö

Dr. Jean-Paul Chapel, CRPP, Bordeaux

Dr. Isabelle Capron, INRAE, Nantes

Prof. Harm-Anton Klok, EPFL, Lausanne

Prof. Peter Fischer, ETH, Zurich

Dr. Pierre Bauduin, ICSM, Marcoule